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I am Denis and I speak about IT and languages.


Be free

Do what you like

Denis Lom

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Denis, I come from Czech Republic and I am currently living in Prague. Yes, one of the most beautiful cities in the world! I had the opportunity to live also in France and in Chile so you can speak with me Czech, English, Spanish or French.

My idea is to share my experience and hopefully you can take advantage of it.

Be flexible

If you’re open-minded, you will more probably meet great opportunities.

Do what you love

Why should you do smth that you don’t like? Normally when someone asks me why I do this or that, my response is: “because I like it.”

I created this webpage for the same reason.

Be independent

Independence gives you liberty and you’ll try more things in your life. Just discover what you love and do that!

What I used to create this webpage?

I am big fan of WordPress. I love the liberty and opportunities that it gives you. For creating the template I use powerfull tool Divi which allows you to create professional websites without coding. Divi saves time and money.

If you you’re interested in Divi and want to support me you can click on this affiliate link and purchase Divi.

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